My absence….

First I must apologize to my readers. I am sorry for my long absence in blogging. While many things have been going on they have not been suitable for blogging. I don’t like blogging about other peoples issues I have been busy with a large number of things, just when they were calming down the Jewish High Holidays arrived. The arrival of the holidays extended my absence.

That being said the novel is progressing though it is going a bit slower than I would like.  As a reward here is an excerpt from the thriller ….


With her Sig drawn and an extra clip in her back pocket, she got out of the car and cautiously entered the bar. Seeing no sign of the old men or anyone else, she began to search the entire building. Dread built in the pit of her stomach. Was she too late? There was evidence of bullets and shotgun blasts marking all of the walls. Broken glass mixed with booze crunched under her feet as she searched. Finding nothing on the lower floor, she headed cautiously up the stairs.

Upon reaching the apartment on the upper level of the bar, she encountered a locked door. Just as she was about to knock, she heard the distinct sound of a shotgun being cocked.



Well that’s it for now. I will write again soon.

Flash Fiction: Oh dark thirty

It would come, it always came. The time when he had to rise before the sun. He shaved and started the morning brew. He dressed and  laced up his boots, stopping to kiss his slumbering bride before he left. There was no calling out sick in his profession. His job was a passion, he was willing to stand in the breech to keep others safe.

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8 sentence excerpt from my WIP

I’m glad I didn’t miss the linky list for Weekend Writing warriors this week. (I did last week. For those of you who missed my excerpt about the radio click here.)

Upon reaching the apartment on the upper level of the bar, she encountered a locked door. Just as she was about to knock, she heard the distinct sound of a shotgun being cocked.

“Stop!” yelled Kate “It’s Claire. I brought a friend. We have come to get you out of here.”

“We thought you were those fools returning,” said Paul.

“We need to talk, but not here. It’s too dangerous,” stated Kate.

“Okay,” Paul said. “We will go with you, but we have to take Sam.”

“Sam,” repeated Kate with a puzzled look. Just then a large cat wandered into the room and started sniffing Kate’s shoes.

“That’s Sam,” explained Paul.

“Okay. Sam can join us. Just hurry. I overheard them planning to come back.”

Kate, hearing three blasts of a horn, scooped up the cat and said, “We must go now!”

Flash Fiction: The Nap

After a long hard day of work and errands he collapsed on the sofa, but he was not alone. Soon his lap was filled with the sounds of a small motor. It was a purr motor emanating from the furry creature in his lap. His faithful kitty friend was always there to greet him. Soon they'd both drift off into slumber.

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Here’s the 8 sentences I promised a while back…

First an apology I’ve been swamped with stuff to do other than my blog or any kind of writing. I did miss the chance to get my link in with Weekend Writing Warriors but here are my 8 any way. (Yes this tells you why the radio wasn’t used.) To view my previous 8 for context click here.

I would have answered, but it took the brunt of a knife attack.” Collin replied as he produced the broken radio.  “Lets get everyone down stairs before anyone else shows up.”

“Agreed,” replied Kate as she radioed Dominic that they were reentering the church.  With everyone cleared out of the church and loaded in the back of the van Collin drove it around behind the church to the monks’ entrance.  Using Dominic’s keys Collin unlocked the door. Before entering he called out, to alert the old men. Just then Sam the cat ran out. Paul scrambled after Sam, who was distracted by a bug.  Paul retrieved the cat as the last of the prisoners was being carried down the steps.