
A night out to relieve stress.

Everyone else in this photo is an active duty soldier. We went out for dinner at a local brewpub called Mash House. I would highly recommend this place. They brew their own beer on site. I can also say that their vodka infusions are wonderful.

Well now that my head is clear & mood lifted I can get back to pounding keys.

Late but worth it…




The picture above is a display in the WWII section of the museum.

My time at ASOM on Saturdays is something very special I hate to miss it. I went this past saturday and was once again to meet someone very special. I met and chatted with a member of the special forces. He was simply there with his son and a few other kids. Hearing his descriptions as we walked through the modern section of the exhibits truly brought the museum to life for me. I really think the museum should do a video series of veterans speaking about the history they lived through as they walk through the museum. Who knows maybe some of the stories I have heard will find their way into my writing. Talk about real life inspiration.

Below is a picture of a Huey at the museum.


Shameless Plug

Today, I’m honored to be a guest blogger on Ann’s blog today. As I contemplated on what to write about today, I realized that I can take this opportunity to shamelessly plug my debut paranormal romance novel, “Haunting”. It is available for free today only on Amazon. Free! I mean, seriously, who can’t afford free?

But free advertising aside, I just wanted to give everyone a little advice. In life, there are those who are reasonable, sensible people who always do exactly what is expected of them… even if it makes them miserable. Then, there are those who don’t listen to those voices of reason and fearlessly follow their dreams. If I had listened to everyone who told me that becoming a published author was just a pipe dream, I would never have realized how amazing it feels to listen to readers tell me how much they loved my book.

Thank goodness I’m a horrible listener.

BJ Sheldon


Where have I been ……..

Late Wednesday night I pulled away from my house. I needed a road trip and had come up with a series of reasons to go. So I was off and running, with Hubby napping in the back of my red van I headed north on I-95. I was Heading off to meet another one of my author friends BJ Sheldon.


BJ & I sat and talked, hubby decided to disappear to the gym. We were totally fine with that since we were so in the midst of gab. I don’t think there was a topic we skipped. Our trials and tribulations as authors working on manuscripts were of course at the top of our list.

After a few hours of chatting hubby returned and BJ had to be off attending to other things. We then climbed back in the van to explore a few of the landmarks BJ mentioned, especially the haunted hospital on post. Who better than BJ of course to know where the nearest haunted building would be located.

The Walson Army Hospital at Fort Dix.

The Walson Army Hospital at Fort Dix.

Well my ghostly curiosities satisfied we were off again, this time our mission was to get a gift for my sister in law. We stopped off in Lakewood NJ, it has a huge Jewish community. We obtained the gift, found a snack and rolled towards my favorite Sub shop.

Nopt it’s not in Philly. It’s in Parkside PA a tiny town near where I grew up. Phil & Jims makes the best cheesesteaks. With my cheesesteak craving now satisfied I was off and running to the local grocery store for tastykakes  and Herr’s chips. yep more local  Philly flavors. The goodies loaded into my van or consumed we were rolling south to Andrews Air Force base for some much needed rest.

Day 2 will be posted tomorrow.