Don’t take my independence away.

Yes, I'm in a wheelchair. This doesn't mean I'm unable to do things. It does mean I do things differently. I'll use the handle on a door to get through the door, so you opening the door may have inadvertently made it harder for me. Please don't push my wheelchair without asking. I can't state this forcefully enough. Nothing will send me from zero to furious faster. There is one and I stress only one person who is allowed to do this and I'm married to him.

I may struggle up a ramp, but I want and need the exercise this outing provides me. I don't play wheelchair basketball or participate in other wheeling sports. I get my exercise through my daily life. If I'm tired and struggling and want or need help you'll know. I have a big mouth. This isn't my first post on this topic and I doubt it'll be my last.

Most wheelers have worked for months or longer to regain some level of independence. We want to live like you do and just go about our day. This means doing things for ourselves whenever possible. If help is needed to reach that can on the top shelf we'll let you know. Otherwise we're happy to be able to do our own shopping.

I use a basket to enable me to carry more items than my lap alone can accommodate. This is my solution to more than one issue. I've used this basket for ferrying food around the house, shopping and even holding things on road trips. Yes, I go on road trips alone. The only task I'll usually ask for assistance with, though I can do it myself is pumping gas. It's just a hassle.

I appreciate you offering to help, but please let me decide if I need your assistance. Maybe I want to figure out how to conquer whatever task I'm doing for future excursions. I might be evaluating if my strategy is working, I can't figure these things out if others just randomly help me.

If I've dropped something and can't reach it or a hill is just too steep I promise to ask for help, until then please just smile and let me go about my day.

Copyright © 2020 Ann Bell Feinstein

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