A Mom who cares (Baltimore Riot)

Like the rest of the country I was glued to the coverage of the riots in Baltimore. Nope I’m not taking a position on the overall mess except to say we don’t know all the facts yet. One other thing, why destroy your own neighborhood?

Anyway I was watching the coverage online when I saw this. A mother who went to the riots and found her son to take him home. The video is well worth the watch.

A mom who cared enough to go get her son off the streets. She cared enough to make sure he was home safe so he would not be arrested or worse. She cared enough to stop what she was doing and go find him. A mom who didn’t care what anyone else thought, she wanted her kid home. A mom who just wanted to do what was best for her son.

Why weren’t there a hundred moms like this out there?

Why weren’t there some Dads out there doing this too?

I understand there is pain and anger in the community I just don’t see how stealing things and trashing your neighborhood is going to make people listen to your point. There was a church group shown on the news that was out there singing songs trying to change to atmosphere, so not all of the coverage was negative.

To the brave mom I’d love to talk to you, contact me via my blog.

The Box (Flash Fiction)

It starts out as a flat piece of cardboard, I add some tape to make it hold its shape.

Sometimes I'll decorate the inside as if it were an extra hug.

I then pick out the items to fill the void. Each item is special and filled with love and joy. I place them in the box with care. I make sure the box is full with no room to spare. Once I think its full I close it and give it a shake. Then comes the smaller things. Each is like a hug, I want to show you my love how much I care.

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How I pack care packages…

I never really thought about how I do it until at an FRG meeting several spouses had questions. So I decided it was time to do a step by step blog post about care packages.

Step 1 shopping:

  • Keep weather in mind (does that soldier really want hot chocolate in 110 degree heat)
  • Chocolate is out in lots of locations, exceptions: Nutella, M&M’s, chocolate chip cookies (I’ll explain how to pack this stuff later)
  • If it won’t fit in a gallon ziplock bag it’s too big. (You husbands forgotten running shoes are an exception)
  • I often take a large flat rate with me to the store if I’m doing a theme box.

Step 2 Packing Supplies

  • The wonderful USPS will give you flat rate boxes for free, they’ll even bring them to your door.
  • I also keep the clear customs form holders on hand for free from the USPS
  • Tape lots of packing tape (You’ll be amazed how much you will use.)

Step 3 Packing the box

  • DO NOT mix toiletries and food in one box!!!
    • The strong scents of soap, deodorant etc can and often does bleed over into the food items.
    • You can throw in a chapstick or toothbrush but if it doesn’t go in or on your mouth don’t put it with food
  •  Ziplock bags are everyones friend, anything liquid or gooey goes in one. You bag that lotion, that mouthwash and that shelf stable milk. When in short bag it, it saves trouble later.
  • Those Gorillas at the zoo, yeah you’ve seen them. Plan on them handling your package at some point.
    • Glass is always a tough thing to send, I avoid it at almost all costs.
  • Don’t put an heirloom in the box, trust me that’s the box that will get lost.
  • If it won’t fit in a large flat rate does the soldier really need it?
    • This isn’t to say only use those boxes just if an individual item won’t fit in a large flat rate box think twice.
      • I do know of an exception where a small pool was sent to soldiers as part of a pool party, but exceptions are rare.
  • I have everything in my box and it’s not full
    • Switch to a smaller box, a medium packed full is better than a large one that is  not full with items getting damaged.

A box of snacks and things to eat.

  • What 3 things do you really want to get in the box?
    • Those go in first. (That bag of chips for chips and salsa may not arrive in the same condition if you put the salsa in the box with it. Remember the Gorilla?)
    • Let’s start our box with beef Jerky, nope it doesn’t need a ziplock
    • Then we add in some small packages of sunflower seeds
    • ohh he wanted a book of crosswords
    • some granola bars
    • Okay now I add in some pouches of tuna
      • That tuna needs some mayonnaise, don’t just grab a jar, get packets.
      • Yes, packets of condiments are great to add to care packages.
        • Of course they go in a ziplock bag! (Mr or Mrs Gorilla doesn’t need it)
    • Okay once you have everything in the box close it up, don’t tape it closed just close it and shake it.
      • Yes, shake that box, if you hear stuff moving I now add in candy or other small items to stop the rattling.
      • Once you have enough stuff in there so it no longer rattles you can tape it closed.
    • No not the ones that are already sealed but the ones that are there for you to tape closed, cover them in at least one if not more of strong packing tape.
      • Soldiers have sharp objects they’ll get into it don’t worry about that.

A box of toiletries and other items

  • Get out the gallon ziplock before you start.
    • Remember if it won’t fit in the gallon ziplock I think it’s too big to ship.
  • Almost everything in this box will be in a ziplock
  • The shampoo
  • Body wash (Bar soap gets sand embedded in it. Who wants to wash with sandy soap?)
    • Most soldiers prefer the body wash
  • Aerosols can be tricky I skip them unless I must send deodorant (It gets bagged and taped closed)
  • They do sell shave gel in tubes, they’re smaller and travel better.
  • For female soldiers feminine supplies are amazing things, there’s often a small selection if any available.
  • Chapstick, even if they don’t use it at home send it. The wind will dry out their lips trust me they’ll be looking for it at some point.
  • Lotion, again even if they don’t use it at home if they are in an arid location they will appreciate it.
  • Baby wipes, yes I said baby wipes. Even soldiers who are not in a field location like them. They still get sweaty and grimy, if they are on a 24 hour shift a few wipes can help them freshen up part way through their day. I send smaller packages but more of them (about 70 wipes per pack so they don’t dry out in the arid weather).
  • Razors, my husband likes the gillette proglide, you can send any decent twin or more blade razor.
  • Women’s razors, a rare find on a deployment especially the good ones.
  • Q-tips tons of uses for these
  • Socks, feet get sweaty in those boots, the sand found at some locations wears things out faster so  don’t count on the ones he took with him when he deployed to last the year

Okay enough of that again don’t forget the gorilla and the shake test, if everything liquid is bagged and there’s no glass you should be fine.

Other things to make them smile…

  • Air fresheners –  I use ones made for cars (not vent clips the kind that sit there in a can)
  • Candles I don’t send these, fire hazard
  • Dryer sheets, they can add them to their drawer, duffle ruck or closet. I always suggest they tuck one in their pillow case.
  • Books, paperbacks preferred here (they fit better in cargo pockets and are lighter in general)
  • Magazines (NO PORN) grab the latest issue of a car magazine, or something. I tend to send pencil puzzles and crossword books.
  • Water guns and water balloons, they are a huge hit in arid hot climates
  • Games and small toys, think travel sized that will fit in a cargo pocket or card games like uno.

I hate the line at the post office (USPS can be good)

  • I have a USPS.COM account, it’s free to setup
  • I pay online, you also get a discount for doing that.
  • It walks me through the customs form
  • I print it all out
  • I schedule a pickup, yes USPS will pickup the packages at your house for free.
  • Don’t forget to order your care package supplies while you are there.
    • I keep the following on hand
      • Small Flat rate boxes (Currently $5.25 to send if paid online)
      • Medium Flat rate boxes (Currently $11.30 paid online)
      • Large Flat rate boxes (Currently $13.80 paid online)
      • Customs forms holders, yep free from USPS
      • Priority mail address labels

This is not an all inclusive guide but should give you a good start. As long as you keep sending stuff and keep the strong scents away from the food it should all work out.

I’ll cover shipping baked goods and other items in a another post. This means if you follow my blog you won’t miss out on it.

Be Respectful

The Flag of this great nation

Every night the citizens of this great country sleep undisturbed because others are standing guard. Less than 10% of this nation has served in the military. Also these days it seems as if being a police officer is a bad thing. Both the military and police officers have tough jobs, show them the support and respect they deserve.

I’d like to thank all those who protect and serve us be they police, fire, emergency medical, or military.

An open letter to congress!!

Okay I understand that there were some breaks in protocol concerning the invitation of Prime Minister Netanyahu. This is not the first thing I would call a break in protocol. No other president has stuck his tongue out in a selfie. I consider this a breech of protocol as it demeans the office. All presidents must understand that the office is bigger than any one president. This is something I think this president in particular has overlooked.

I think what PM Netanyahu has to say on the issue of our negotiations with Iran  is important. His country is a lot closer to the problem than we are. His country has been threatened by Iran. They have publicly stated they want to wipe Israel off the map or into the sea. Does this not sound like a threat? I sure think it does.

I do not think we can trust Iran. I have read the biography of Reza Kahlili titled A time to betray. I encourage everyone who thinks we can trust Iran to read it. I think this book should be mandatory reading for every member of congress. It tells the story of how one man wanted to save the people of his country by betraying his government. The book also tells how they evade sanctions.

Yes they know how to bypass and evade sanctions. They have been evading them for decades. How else do you think they got the equipment to produce nuclear material in the first place? Yes the sanctions are hurting the economy however the sanctions have not changed the goals of the regime. They might claim they have changed but if in my opinion if you buy that ….

Now congress get over the breech in protocol and buck up and listen to what Netanyahu has to say. I never think it hurts anyone to listen and gain information. So tell the President to stop with the selfies and you stop with the tantrums.

I am so sick of tantrums on both sides. I’m thinking of entering my cat in the election we all know where she stands and we all know she can be bought. Diana kitty also doesn’t have a cell phone or know how to take a selfie. What scares me is that people have said they would seriously vote for a cat over what we have now. No, I’m not talking about one or two friends I’m talking about over 100 people. This must say something about what people think of the state of politics.