I’m a moth to a flame

I thought I was walking away from writing. I was heartbroken. Our cat Phillip had knocked a hard drive with all of my writing on it off my desk. I know you are supposed to have backups. So how did this happen?
I had discovered that the external I had used for years was dying, it was the Wednesday before Thanksgiving. So I grabbed my new external and moved everything to it. I didn’t have a second drive handy and figured I’ll go out on Monday, as there was no chance of me going anywhere near a store on Black Friday, and get a new drive and back up the entire drive.

Well, enter Phillip on the Saturday after Thanksgiving. He was playing on my desk, something he wasn’t really supposed to be doing. He pawed the drive off onto the floor. My desk is in the garage, so the drive crashed onto a bare concrete floor. I knew it had been damaged when I heard rattling inside the case.Continue reading

NaNoWriMo 2016

This Nano if it wasn’t for bad luck I’d have had no luck at all until today.

Today I finally sat down and did a substantial chuck of writing. I’d been behind or just barely keeping up with my nano goals, however I blew today out of the water. I haven’t been doing much writing during the summer as a number of other projects have been taking my time and attention. Now those projects are starting to take on a life of their own, which frees up my time for writing again.Continue reading

Nano is approaching and thus I’m ending my summer off

Well to be honest, I haven’t taken the summer off from anything except my blog. I’ve popped up on twitter and been busy being an Army wife and FRG Leader. I just felt it was time to restart the blog.

Those of you who follow me regularly know I often “drop off the planet” or in reality wander away from social media. I refuse to let social media control my life.

So, what have I been doing in my “spare time?” I’ve been helping FRG raise money and hosting a number of meetings and Army-spouse related functions. Then there has been writing.Continue reading