The Cry of the Words (Flash Fiction)

The words on the page cried out, each demanding to stay. None wanted to be deleted or changed in anyway. That was not what was going to happen. Changes were coming.

A deft hand was required to cut only the fluff, the tough stuff had to remain. It was the heart of the story.

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Fighting Spirit

When a friend showed me Shadow Eagle by Andrei Kope, I knew I had found the artist that could bring an image of the American Bald Eagle to life and give him Fighting Spirit.

Fighting Spirit

Fighting Spirit (Artwork by Andrei Kope)

I commissioned Andrei Kope to create the piece of the American bald eagle with a flag and I’m definitely not Continue reading

I took some time out for Christmas…

Yes, you read that right. This crazy Jew took time out to help others have a bright and cheerful holiday.

I was invited by the local Daughters of the Revolution chapter to join them in decorating the local Fisher House. They are a place for people to stay while they or their families receive medical treatment.Continue reading

Customer Service makes all the difference.

A deployed husband and an Army wife in a wheelchair add to that the fact I know nothing about vehicles or much of anything involving tools and you have a recipe for disaster. Between the wheelchair and two cars, I have 12 wheels that all need to be maintained and kept operational.

Things that complicate these issues:

I hate driving my husband's car, no seriously I won't do it.

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Holidays apart, and other Army wife holiday dilemmas

If you follow me on twitter you know my husband is deployed. His unit wont be home for the holidays. I’m not alone in these issues this is just my take on it.

Thanksgiving alone, nope I’m not cooking. In fact in some ways I welcome this. I will miss out on some of my holiday favorites but my waist line may end up the winner here.Continue reading