My absence….

First I must apologize to my readers. I am sorry for my long absence in blogging. While many things have been going on they have not been suitable for blogging. I don’t like blogging about other peoples issues I have been busy with a large number of things, just when they were calming down the Jewish High Holidays arrived. The arrival of the holidays extended my absence.

That being said the novel is progressing though it is going a bit slower than I would like.  As a reward here is an excerpt from the thriller ….


With her Sig drawn and an extra clip in her back pocket, she got out of the car and cautiously entered the bar. Seeing no sign of the old men or anyone else, she began to search the entire building. Dread built in the pit of her stomach. Was she too late? There was evidence of bullets and shotgun blasts marking all of the walls. Broken glass mixed with booze crunched under her feet as she searched. Finding nothing on the lower floor, she headed cautiously up the stairs.

Upon reaching the apartment on the upper level of the bar, she encountered a locked door. Just as she was about to knock, she heard the distinct sound of a shotgun being cocked.



Well that’s it for now. I will write again soon.

Shameless Plug

Today, I’m honored to be a guest blogger on Ann’s blog today. As I contemplated on what to write about today, I realized that I can take this opportunity to shamelessly plug my debut paranormal romance novel, “Haunting”. It is available for free today only on Amazon. Free! I mean, seriously, who can’t afford free?

But free advertising aside, I just wanted to give everyone a little advice. In life, there are those who are reasonable, sensible people who always do exactly what is expected of them… even if it makes them miserable. Then, there are those who don’t listen to those voices of reason and fearlessly follow their dreams. If I had listened to everyone who told me that becoming a published author was just a pipe dream, I would never have realized how amazing it feels to listen to readers tell me how much they loved my book.

Thank goodness I’m a horrible listener.

BJ Sheldon


Army Wife Duties, coffee and other musings

Well today has been busy. I have not been writing but working on Army wife things. I had a meeting with the Family Readiness Group leader for my husbands battery. We have come up with a number of fundraising ideas, and future fun activities. I hope some of our ideas come to pass especially the Valentines Day one. That one will take some doing though since time is short. Yes I said short, you try getting the army to move quickly on anything. We had coffee and sweets. Thankfully I noticed the coffee level was low and picked up more. 

It’s also a great time to be at home writing since we are having foul weather. Well foul for this area. Lots of places are closing early, and everyone is encouraged to stay home. That’s fine with me, time to settle in with a fresh cup of coffee and get writing.

Well it’s time to get back to the novel. Chapter 5 is calling my name.

Stuck at a cross roads

I am sitting here doing some writing sessions with a fellow writer. What is a writing session, well we set a time frame and each work on our own projects. My usual writing partner is not even on the same continent as I am but we get a lot done when we work together. Since I am stuck I decided to take a break from the novel and post a few lines from it. Yes these lines are a bit out of context but…. I can’t give the whole story away now can I.

Chapter 1 (this is actually the opening line)

Kate struggles against the duct tape that binds her hands behind her back, and she wonders if three years of serving her country may come to an end right here.

Chapter 2

…. After a wonderful breakfast they walk the hallowed halls of the Vatican until they reach Dominic’s office. Dominic’s office is in an area off limits to tourists…..

Well that’s all for now.

What does the Vatican have to do with this? If that’s your question this is not a take off on any other books, it’s a meeting point, more than that I won’t say.

The 2 biggest questions on my mind are:

Are we out of coffee (that’s a crime in this house)

How do I get rid of my writers block type issue?

Chapter 4

Well chapter 4 is done. It’s been sent off to Dad for editing. I had not done a good job describing the setting in chapter 4 so some last minute research was needed. After scouring the web for photos and using a phone a friend, I was able to complete it. 

I then took a break and watched some tv. I watched an older episode of Iron Chef America with hubby and the fur kids.


     Chapter 5 of course is next. After I spend a few hours at the Airborne and Special Operations Museum in the morning. I am grateful for Dad pushing me to get this done and edited.  I could never get this book ready, or even close to publication without his help.