Shameless Plug

Today, I’m honored to be a guest blogger on Ann’s blog today. As I contemplated on what to write about today, I realized that I can take this opportunity to shamelessly plug my debut paranormal romance novel, “Haunting”. It is available for free today only on Amazon. Free! I mean, seriously, who can’t afford free?

But free advertising aside, I just wanted to give everyone a little advice. In life, there are those who are reasonable, sensible people who always do exactly what is expected of them… even if it makes them miserable. Then, there are those who don’t listen to those voices of reason and fearlessly follow their dreams. If I had listened to everyone who told me that becoming a published author was just a pipe dream, I would never have realized how amazing it feels to listen to readers tell me how much they loved my book.

Thank goodness I’m a horrible listener.

BJ Sheldon
