The plot bunnies

My dear sweet plot bunnies have decided to go on strike. I am not certain why they went on strike. Well they are striking on the manuscript I want to finish, but bouncing on the second one, they seem to want me to write. 

I am trying to compromise with them, I will outline the second one and make it my Nanowrimo project for November. Until then I am insisting on polishing the first one.

I would simply use the titles, but just don’t want to give that away yet. They are only working titles anyway.

Does anyone know what plot bunnies like to eat?

If you have a suggestion feel free to leave a comment.

Working hard vs Hardly working

writing, lets make that clear. I spend hours at the keyboard every day. I just sent chapter 7 off to my dear Dad for his wonderful editing assistance. Why my Dad?

It’s simple he is a well respected foreign language professor, and willing to help me. He is also a published author in his own right, albeit in french.

Now back to the main topic is all this time at the keyboard work or am I hardly working?

Well since I love what I am doing, it doesn’t feel like work, despite the hours I am putting in. I think it’s the perfect mix of working hard without feeling the drudgery of work.

Does it ever feel more like work?

Yes if I said no I’d be lying. Those tend to be the days when I feel uninspired and needing motivation. What then? I turn to those around me, the veterans I volunteer with, the soldiers helped through soldier angels and many other sources.

Sometimes i find myself reading to my cats, yes I said cats. While they cannot give feedback, at least not the constructive or grammatical kind, they give support. They provide cuddles, snuggles, purrs and meows. Yes the felines of the house are often the first to hear my freshly minted prose, but I don’t want them to be the last to indulge in the stories I craft as I sit at the keyboard.



My thoughts on Valentines Day

In one week many people will be spending money on flowers, candy jewelry and the like. This one day has been made a focal point in numerous relationships. I think this is wrong. It should not be the one day of affection and love showered on a couple that sets the tone for their whole relationship. I think it’s the little things that one does every day for their partner or spouse that should set the tone.

I do countless small things for my husband on many days of the year. First if you don’t know me you must realize my husband is a member of the United States Army. I am very proud of him for wearing the uniform. Some of the small things I do for him are simple and take only a few moments others take a bit more planning.

Here is a list of some of them:

  1. I get up after he leaves for PT, and lay out a clean uniform for his return.
  2. I will make him breakfast, no not everyday, but some of them, especially when I know he has a rough day ahead of him
  3. I have gotten up as early as 1am to make sure him and some of his buddies can get a hot home cooked breakfast before heading to the field for training for a few weeks.
  4. I slip notes and his favorite snack, or poggie bait into his pockets or his assault pack.
  5. I deliver food and other little things to him during the regular duty day or when he pulls a 24 hour shift. 
  6. I have been known to put together his dress uniform when he is too tired and worn out from his busy days.
  7. I pick up various uniform pieces he needs, these are not always easy to find.
  8. Having a hot meal ready when he comes home from the field
  9. Waiting in a parking lot for 8 hours to see him for 2 minutes just because I knew he’d be there at some point.

 This is just a partial list, I am sure there are more. I think these small acts show more love and caring throughout the year than anything I could do on that one day everyone wants to focus on.

Will I do anything for Valentines day? Probably but I tend to go with humor. Most likely I will get him a card from the cats and maybe a gift from me, but it won’t be huge, or if it is a large gift it was something we were looking at buying anyway. 

Am I telling you to ignore this holiday?

No, not at all. Feel free to celebrate the 14th of February. I just want you to remember the other 364 days of the year. Find a way to show how much you love your partner or spouse every day.

David I couldn’t be more in love with you or prouder of you. I also love all of the little  things you do for me.

With a few tears in my eyes I think it’s time to return to working on my novel…..



Juggling Act

I was chatting with a friend yesterday, we were comparing schedules trying to figure out when to meet in person for lunch. After she looked at my schedule she asked me “How do you keep all of this straight and stay sane?”

I smiled and commented there is method in my madness. I will let all of you in on the secret.

It’s planning!

I use my outlook calendar that gets synced with my iPhone, if it isn’t on the calendar don’t hold your breath, not likely to happen. I also schedule everything in 15 minute blocks of time. 

I will start with the big picture, what do I need?

1. Sleep

2. Time with hubby

3. Time to write based on my goals.

4. Time for volunteer work.

So open up a digital calendar, I use outlook.

Block out time for sleep, I block out 8 hours a night, do I get all 8 no not every night.

Next I put 1 date night a week on the calendar, usually Saturday, then if you are religious block out the time for that.

If you have a job other than writing block out that time next, don’t forget commute time.

For me it’s volunteer activities I know when some of these take place well in advance. For me I go to the Airborne & Special Operations Museum every Tuesday morning.

Next add time for holidays if you didn’t include them with the religious items.

Okay I think you are getting the picture. You are essentially making appointments with yourself.

Now you have a frame, so we can add in time for writing, researching etc.

My calendar looks like a rainbow since I use a different color for everything.

I am currently doing a number of short term projects, so I add in time to work on them. The cat has an appointment I add that as well. No kids here but, you would schedule their activities the same way.

Am I ever double booked?

Once in a while, but, most of the time I avoid the confusion since I have that frame in place. 

I have routines that I don’t even think about anymore for the daily things, such as housework. I try and plan meals in advance, and yes they get added to the calendar too.

When Mr. Murphy comes calling I know exactly what I can move with the fewest issues. 

If you want to know more about the housework and how it comes together, I use Flylady. I adapted many of the things I learned from “flying” to help me structure my life and it works out well.


Now if I can just structure chapter 6 a bit better…..

Another Rewrite…..

I have spent a few days tweaking the first 2 chapters again. I am not making drastic changes mostly tweaking dialogue and tightening up some of the less important scenes. 

I have also been working on chapter 6, yes working on two sections of the book at the same time. I have never done two different sections of the book at the same time, so it’s a new adventure. I have been enjoying the switching between the time frames in the book. 

As if that wasn’t enough the plot bunnies are blessing me with the start of a new project. Not at all sure where it’s going but…. The foundation is being bounced out by the bunnies. 

The bunnies, Mr. Jackrabbit, and the hamster in my head are all characters of mine and hubby’s creation. If I could only find an artist, the little stories he makes up would be a cool cartoon book, or a calendar.