That’s right David was in the field most of the month of November. While the hubby was away what did the wife do?
- I went out for my birthday with a friend to red robin, they give free birthday burgers if you join their loyalty club.
- I’ve been writing, of course.
- I was sending goodies out to the field as often as I could.
- I was working on a super secret project, you’ll find out more about that after the new year.
- I am learning to write html, yes I know it’s long past time and I finally am doing something about the lack of coding knowledge.
- I’m already scheming on a Valentines day present for hubby.
- What you haven’t gotten all of you Christmas
or Hanukkah shopping done yet? (I have one item left to purchase otherwise I’m good.)
- What you haven’t gotten all of you Christmas
- I’ve been working on that super secret project some more. Yes I promise that as soon as I get all the paperwork done I will spill all of the beans.
- I did more writing.
- Then I got sick, yep I caught the crud. Just I was at my sickest things worked out and David called to say he was on his way home.
Sorry this post is a list but I’m coughing while typing and all I want is a hot cup of tea with honey and a nap.
I promise the next few posts will be more typical I just didn’t have it in me today.
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