An 8 sentence excerpt from my manuscript…..

Dominic lay in the prone position under the pews his weapon trained on the door. Kate took up a position just inside the door and sent a series of three clicks over the radio. There was no response.  Kate wanted to go outside and help her partner, but knew that if anyone came in here Dominic might not be able to stop them from taking the prisoners.  Several moments passed, she exited the church to find Collin loading an unconscious bound and gagged man into the back of the van.

“Don’t tell me we are ignoring the radio again, “ she called out.

Nope I won’t tell you where in the manuscript this comes from….


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Another weekend rolling around

At some point last week, I decided it was time to stop letting my ankle surgery from keeping me down. It started with my husband David needing a new cover for his ACH (army helmet). So being the good army wife I was off to clothing and sales. (That’s the place on base where you buy uniforms and related items.) I got the cover and rank sewn on, nope they don’t use velcro on the helmets.  I then ran a few other errands, alone. This was something I had not attempted often since the surgery.

I even managed to cook dinner. I still avoid the stove top, since I don’t want to spill anything hot on my lap.

I will say I have gained a huge new perspective on life in a wheelchair. I am thankful that my stair in the chair is temporary, and I have the option to use crutches. I now have a glimpse into the lives of our wounded warriors. Just reaching items on the shelf at the grocery store can be a real challenge. I will say my arms have grown stronger due to my time in the chair.

All of this rolling around has caused a few plot bunnies to bounce around so I need to get back to pounding keys. Everyone just towers over me for now….

My hat’s off to all of our wounded warriors. You are true heroes.

Brad Thor, A Penley Painting and more

The day had a rough start. I was having trouble getting out the door. We had no hot water, so a shower was not possible. I sighed and just figured I’d showered at the hotel before the event, so I loaded the last few items and pulled out. I will say my hubby took 5 minutes to load six jars of his homemade beer into the van, in hopes Brad would enjoy it since he couldn’t accompany me.

(For those of you who do not know I am recovering from ankle surgery, so I’m using a wheelchair and crutches to get around.)

The details of the actual trip will be another post.

I arrived at the Books For Heroes event about three hours early. The place was already buzzing with activity. People were stopping in to buy books, others were setting up the microphone, food was starting to arrive.

There was one final touch a Penley painting mentioned in the book was being hung. The best part was Brad Thor had no idea the painting was going to be there.

The Penley painting mentioned in Brad Thor's Hidden Order

The Penley painting mentioned in Brad Thor’s Hidden Order

The look on his face when he saw it was amazing, sorry I couldn’t capture it. I was in the back of the room. After admiring the painting the next item Brad Thor noticed was the American Flag. So he asked that we say the Pledge of Allegiance , which everyone did happily. Then he went on to speak about his writing, including how he got started. His advice to anyone wanting to write, is “Write what you read.” After his talk he started signing books. The first people invited up the get their copies of Hidden Order signed were those with young children. Then were people with numbers. He happily took photos with everyone there. I was floored by his energy level. I was thrilled when my turn arrived. Yes, he even happily enjoyed one of hubby’s home brews.

Brad Thor enjoying the home brew sent by my husband David.

Brad Thor enjoying the home brew sent by my husband David.

He was so upbeat, enthusiastic and happy to meet all of his fans. Everyone who wanted was able to get their picture taken with my favorite thriller writer.


I learned one other interesting thin on my trip. Jeff Foxworthy is also a huge fan.

IMG_2540Yes I got to meet both Brad Thor & Jeff Foxworthy in one day. Jeff said he would have loved to stay for the event but had family obligations.

As far as the event itself went, 200 books were sold!!! I could write pages about this event, however I wanted to keep it short.

Note to Brad Thor:  Thank you for the opportunity to say the Pledge of Allegiance. It is something that seems to be getting lost and overlooked lately.


If you enjoyed this blog please feel follow my adventures, even I don’t know what’s around the corner.

My thoughts on Independence Day (not the movie)

As an army wife this day brings many emotions to the forefront. Note all of these thoughts are ramblings are mine and mine alone. I don’t take an opinion poll before I write, I just write.

Fireworks, they weren’t the first explosives over our flag.

Independence is freedom. Freedom is never free, as we can lose it before the reality sinks in.

The meaning of the day is somewhat lost in the sales and cookouts. This day is supposed to remind us of why we can speak our mind. No don’t cancel the cookout, just add some history to it. Grab a smart phone and read some history about the day before the burgers are served. Have the kids draw pictures of flags from our past. All I am saying dont forget why you have this day off.

Now what this day means to me. It’s bitter sweet, as I think of the freedom I have which brings to mind those who had the courage to swim against the tide to give me my freedom. Our founding fathers broke with Great Britain at great personal risk, they gathered to change this land forever. They swore allegiance by promising their lives, fortunes and sacred honor.

This was a time when a persons word was their bond, and their reputation depended on them keeping their word. So go ahead and cookout, just do something to make others aware of why this day is much more than cookouts and fireworks.

The Declaration of Independence is an amazing document, take a moment to read it. Ponder this piece of our great history.

I will raise a glass to our founding fathers on this day as I do every year.

God made a military spouse…

God looked down at the military and said “They should not be alone. I need someone who can change plans on a moments notice, and smile the whole time.” So God made the military spouse.

“I need someone who can handle their loved one leaving at the ringing of a phone, with little notice, not knowing when they’ll return.” So God made the military spouse.

“I need someone strong enough to act as Mom and Dad to the little ones for a year or more at a time.” So God made the military spouse.

“I need someone who can deal with the challenge of moving every few years.” So God made the military spouse.

“I need someone who is faithful and can handle a long wait to hear from their loved one.” So God made the military spouse.

“I need someone who can feed five extra people for dinner with no more than a few moments notice.” So God made the military spouse.

“I need someone who can band together with other spouses they’ve never met, to get the task done.” So God made the military spouse.

“I need someone who can pack an entire family up and move them anywhere on ten days notice, without breaking the china.” So God created the military spouse.

“I need someone who will teach their children to respect the military, welcome the service member with open arms, and do it all on a few hours sleep.” So God created the military spouse.

“I need someone who will beam with pride when their child looks up and says ‘I want to join the military’ and encourage them despite the hardship of the path ahead.” So God created the military spouse.