Chapter 5 is done!

Chapter 5 was a bit of a boring chapter. It is not boring now. I added some spices, the spices used were a tablespoon of intrigue, and a few dashes of well placed humor, and a tiny pinch of romance. I was worried about the length, until I checked out a few other novels from the same genre. My worries were alleviated.  

Now on to other things since it’s been a few days since I posted. I have been busy writing, while hubby has been to the range. I am proud of him, he qualified expert on his weapon. Tomorrow morning I have to be bright eyed and bushy tailed when I arrive at ASOM

Well chapter 6 here I come.

Army Wife Duties, coffee and other musings

Well today has been busy. I have not been writing but working on Army wife things. I had a meeting with the Family Readiness Group leader for my husbands battery. We have come up with a number of fundraising ideas, and future fun activities. I hope some of our ideas come to pass especially the Valentines Day one. That one will take some doing though since time is short. Yes I said short, you try getting the army to move quickly on anything. We had coffee and sweets. Thankfully I noticed the coffee level was low and picked up more. 

It’s also a great time to be at home writing since we are having foul weather. Well foul for this area. Lots of places are closing early, and everyone is encouraged to stay home. That’s fine with me, time to settle in with a fresh cup of coffee and get writing.

Well it’s time to get back to the novel. Chapter 5 is calling my name.

What I was doing vs what I should have been doing

Well I just couldn’t get back into my writing. I was missing my gamer friends. So… I went on my favorite minecraft server. I all but stopped playing in November, due in large part to Nanowrimo, writing 2,000 words a day or so seems to consume most of my spare time. Most days I don’t mind and find my writing fun. Every once in a while I just need to take a break. It worked sort of.
I found myself building some of the places in my novel. So much for a break, but now I can picture them better, they exist well one of the buildings does anyway if only in an online world. This novel has spurred me on to finish, or at least help with the building of Vatican City on the server. Yes this server is crazy enough to build the whole of Vatican City. We have a ton of huge community builds. There are few things we wont build. We have the C terminal of ATL, a terrarium that goes from bedrock to skybox built with obsidian and lapis blocks, we have a villager trading center, grinders of various types, and a transportation network that would make most city planners green with envy. Unlike a lot of the servers filled with teenagers who break things and steal things, this is an adult server. This server has been in existence since server based worlds started.
On a totally unrelated note, I love cats be refuse to have a litter box. My older cat Diana is toilet trained. Yes the human toilet, she climbs up on the seat and conducts her business. No she doesn’t flush. Well kitten Philip has been learning since the day we brought him home, at 8 weeks of age. He surprised my husband this morning by getting up on the toilet without the training aid, and conducting his own kitty business. This makes me very very happy. If you want photos the cats using the toilet post a comment about it and I will post pictures.
Well I am going to try and tweak my novel a bit now that hubby has left for work.

Stuck at a cross roads

I am sitting here doing some writing sessions with a fellow writer. What is a writing session, well we set a time frame and each work on our own projects. My usual writing partner is not even on the same continent as I am but we get a lot done when we work together. Since I am stuck I decided to take a break from the novel and post a few lines from it. Yes these lines are a bit out of context but…. I can’t give the whole story away now can I.

Chapter 1 (this is actually the opening line)

Kate struggles against the duct tape that binds her hands behind her back, and she wonders if three years of serving her country may come to an end right here.

Chapter 2

…. After a wonderful breakfast they walk the hallowed halls of the Vatican until they reach Dominic’s office. Dominic’s office is in an area off limits to tourists…..

Well that’s all for now.

What does the Vatican have to do with this? If that’s your question this is not a take off on any other books, it’s a meeting point, more than that I won’t say.

The 2 biggest questions on my mind are:

Are we out of coffee (that’s a crime in this house)

How do I get rid of my writers block type issue?

Voting done, but chapter 5 is not

Well the voting for military spouse of the year, is closed or will be in a matter of moments. I wont know the results until the 25th. I did not run all over trying to get votes, and while it would be wonderful to win, I was just honored and amazed when my husband nominated me. 

Now chapter 4 has been sent back from Dad, he did it in no time. Well more like one night. He’s so fast it amazes me. He wants the next chapter tomorrow, gasp. I have started on the tweaking of chapter 5 but I have not finished it. I guess I’d better get to work.