The Box (Flash Fiction)

It starts out as a flat piece of cardboard, I add some tape to make it hold its shape.

Sometimes I'll decorate the inside as if it were an extra hug.

I then pick out the items to fill the void. Each item is special and filled with love and joy. I place them in the box with care. I make sure the box is full with no room to spare. Once I think its full I close it and give it a shake. Then comes the smaller things. Each is like a hug, I want to show you my love how much I care.

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Flash Fiction: Their Love

He wasn't one to buy her flowers, he didn't write her poems. He gave more to her than all of that combined was worth. He helped her with her hobbies. He cheered her on when all seemed lost. No matter what he was always being supportive, even if he had to do the dishes. He loved her with all his heart.

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Flash Fiction: The Blank Page

The blank page stares back with it's constant challenge of you can't fill me, I wont let you.

Nothing comes to mind the page is winning it's battle to stay blank.

The stare down continues until  at last the first words form, marring the blank page.

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Flash Fiction: Oh dark thirty

It would come, it always came. The time when he had to rise before the sun. He shaved and started the morning brew. He dressed and  laced up his boots, stopping to kiss his slumbering bride before he left. There was no calling out sick in his profession. His job was a passion, he was willing to stand in the breech to keep others safe.

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Flash Fiction: The Nap

After a long hard day of work and errands he collapsed on the sofa, but he was not alone. Soon his lap was filled with the sounds of a small motor. It was a purr motor emanating from the furry creature in his lap. His faithful kitty friend was always there to greet him. Soon they'd both drift off into slumber.

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