When I'm not at the Keyboard...
You can find me in any number of places doing any number of things.
My husband David might be brewing a new batch of beer with me at his side. I've worn more than I've ever consumed—it turns out hand-filling beer bottles has a learning curve. I've also got dear hubby into making wine.
As a writer, you might find me helping another writer find inspiration for their story. So many ideas... I'm a Nanowrimo Municipal Liaison, aka the crazy volunteer with the stickers.
Who doesn't love food? So, the kitchen is a logical place to look. I had fun learning to roll sushi; you actually have to just get in there and do it. I've learned how to feed anywhere from two to ten extras on short notice. Trust me soldiers are always hungry.
I might be helping out with the FRG: that's Family Readiness Group for those who don't speak "Army." I can say one thing for sure: there will always be coffee.
Another piece of advice, don't get in front of me on a downhill. I have no problem letting these wheels just roll. "My wheels make me faster."
I love life and have fun with all kinds of things. You never know where I'll show up. So, keep your eyes peeled; random road trips are definitely a thing for me.