Working hard vs Hardly working

writing, lets make that clear. I spend hours at the keyboard every day. I just sent chapter 7 off to my dear Dad for his wonderful editing assistance. Why my Dad?

It’s simple he is a well respected foreign language professor, and willing to help me. He is also a published author in his own right, albeit in french.

Now back to the main topic is all this time at the keyboard work or am I hardly working?

Well since I love what I am doing, it doesn’t feel like work, despite the hours I am putting in. I think it’s the perfect mix of working hard without feeling the drudgery of work.

Does it ever feel more like work?

Yes if I said no I’d be lying. Those tend to be the days when I feel uninspired and needing motivation. What then? I turn to those around me, the veterans I volunteer with, the soldiers helped through soldier angels and many other sources.

Sometimes i find myself reading to my cats, yes I said cats. While they cannot give feedback, at least not the constructive or grammatical kind, they give support. They provide cuddles, snuggles, purrs and meows. Yes the felines of the house are often the first to hear my freshly minted prose, but I don’t want them to be the last to indulge in the stories I craft as I sit at the keyboard.



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