Another weekend rolling around

At some point last week, I decided it was time to stop letting my ankle surgery from keeping me down. It started with my husband David needing a new cover for his ACH (army helmet). So being the good army wife I was off to clothing and sales. (That’s the place on base where you buy uniforms and related items.) I got the cover and rank sewn on, nope they don’t use velcro on the helmets.  I then ran a few other errands, alone. This was something I had not attempted often since the surgery.

I even managed to cook dinner. I still avoid the stove top, since I don’t want to spill anything hot on my lap.

I will say I have gained a huge new perspective on life in a wheelchair. I am thankful that my stair in the chair is temporary, and I have the option to use crutches. I now have a glimpse into the lives of our wounded warriors. Just reaching items on the shelf at the grocery store can be a real challenge. I will say my arms have grown stronger due to my time in the chair.

All of this rolling around has caused a few plot bunnies to bounce around so I need to get back to pounding keys. Everyone just towers over me for now….

My hat’s off to all of our wounded warriors. You are true heroes.