Military Spouse of the year.

Well it’s here the voting for Military Spouse of the year. I am a bit nervous and excited. Here is my profile please consider voting for me. I still can’t believe my husband nominated me.


Military Spouse of the year.

Well it’s here the voting for Military Spouse of the year. I am a bit nervous and excited. Here is my profile please consider voting for me. I still can’t believe my husband nominated me.

Chapter 4

Well chapter 4 is done. It’s been sent off to Dad for editing. I had not done a good job describing the setting in chapter 4 so some last minute research was needed. After scouring the web for photos and using a phone a friend, I was able to complete it. 

I then took a break and watched some tv. I watched an older episode of Iron Chef America with hubby and the fur kids.


     Chapter 5 of course is next. After I spend a few hours at the Airborne and Special Operations Museum in the morning. I am grateful for Dad pushing me to get this done and edited.  I could never get this book ready, or even close to publication without his help.