My Conversion to Scrivener

I had been writing in word for years. I think most of have used word at some point in our writing lives, even if just for a school paper. I owned not one but two copies of scrivener. I had both the mac and pc versions.  My mac is dedicated to writing. There are no games on it and I don’t want them there. My PC is for fun time or applications that won’t work on mac.

While I supported the product by spending money, in the end it was a piece of software I never used. It was like that scarf your aunt makes for you every year, you don’t know what to do with it, so it ends up on a shelf in the closet.
Oh I’d tried but the mere thought of moving my beloved baby into this new realm scared me. So I decided to start small I built a character database in the program.
Then I never accessed the database since it was in a separate program from my writing.

I continued to muddle through and leave that piece of software on my computer always saying “I’ll start my next project on it.”Continue reading

Nano is approaching and thus I’m ending my summer off

Well to be honest, I haven’t taken the summer off from anything except my blog. I’ve popped up on twitter and been busy being an Army wife and FRG Leader. I just felt it was time to restart the blog.

Those of you who follow me regularly know I often “drop off the planet” or in reality wander away from social media. I refuse to let social media control my life.

So, what have I been doing in my “spare time?” I’ve been helping FRG raise money and hosting a number of meetings and Army-spouse related functions. Then there has been writing.Continue reading

Fun places to write

What did I just write?

What did I just write?

I’m a writer, as in I have to write to silence the characters in my head that are begging to have their stories told. I really have no choice, I must write.

I admit most of my writing is done in my own personal niche in the garage. Yes, I said in the garage. Don’t worry the weather wont bother me. I have a heater for winter and a fan for summer. I even have a comfy chair for visitors to my lair.

I do occasionally venture out of my lair. Where do I go?Continue reading

Writing is Fueled by Caffeine


Every writer I know enjoys a hot beverage of some kind while they craft words into stories. I’m no exception. The above photo contains my three favorite vessels for hot caffeine delivery. Each one has a story behind it, I’ve decided to share those steamy tales.

Going from Left to Right:

The mug on the left is one of my own creation, in fact followers of my blog may recognize it from an earlier post. I commissioned this piece of artwork and decided I wanted to surround myself with it so I had some photo mugs made using the artwork. I feel my words have fighting spirit and wanted to be able to hold it in my hand hence the mug.Continue reading