God made a military spouse…

God looked down at the military and said “They should not be alone. I need someone who can change plans on a moments notice, and smile the whole time.” So God made the military spouse.

“I need someone who can handle their loved one leaving at the ringing of a phone, with little notice, not knowing when they’ll return.” So God made the military spouse.

“I need someone strong enough to act as Mom and Dad to the little ones for a year or more at a time.” So God made the military spouse.

“I need someone who can deal with the challenge of moving every few years.” So God made the military spouse.

“I need someone who is faithful and can handle a long wait to hear from their loved one.” So God made the military spouse.

“I need someone who can feed five extra people for dinner with no more than a few moments notice.” So God made the military spouse.

“I need someone who can band together with other spouses they’ve never met, to get the task done.” So God made the military spouse.

“I need someone who can pack an entire family up and move them anywhere on ten days notice, without breaking the china.” So God created the military spouse.

“I need someone who will teach their children to respect the military, welcome the service member with open arms, and do it all on a few hours sleep.” So God created the military spouse.

“I need someone who will beam with pride when their child looks up and says ‘I want to join the military’ and encourage them despite the hardship of the path ahead.” So God created the military spouse.

Posted in Army Wife Thoughts, Writing Thoughts.

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