Paying Respects and Honoring Service

I was one of many

I hope most of you have heard about the funeral for Air Force Veteran Joseph Walker. I was in the crowd.

My decision was made on Saturday when I saw a headline:This wasn't the first time I'd read such a story, it always breaks my heart. I'd never been close enough to attend a funeral for a veteran I didn't know. I had no idea how many others would be there until I was almost at the cemetery.

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Holidays Apart

I know it’s only September, well almost October. The holidays both Jewish and regular are all around me. The only issue is that my husband is once again in a distant land serving our country. Would I change this?
NO! I love David, I love everything, well almost everything about him. His putting service to our country ahead of himself is part of what I love about him. I know some of you just don’t believe me, but there’s something very special about the men and women who wear the uniform. No, I won’t bore you with everything that makes them so special, but let’s just say they are usually some of the best people you will ever meet.

So what’s a person alone on all of the upcoming holidays to do?Continue reading

The Chaos

I was inspired to write this by my friend Judy's blog about juggling.

The deadline loomed, but which to tackle first? The plane that would be arriving would wait for no one, neither would the date the manuscript was due. There were goody bags to pack, rooms to check and words needed to fill pages.

Which way is the army wife to run first. The organized chaos that is FRG consumed the days and a few nights as well. Not all planes land during normal hours, especially when the military is involved.

The bags were packed by a herd of spouses volunteering to stuff them to their gills. The list of rooms was a task for others, but the FRG still needed to find it.

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I took some time out for Christmas…

Yes, you read that right. This crazy Jew took time out to help others have a bright and cheerful holiday.

I was invited by the local Daughters of the Revolution chapter to join them in decorating the local Fisher House. They are a place for people to stay while they or their families receive medical treatment.Continue reading