Another weekend rolling around

At some point last week, I decided it was time to stop letting my ankle surgery from keeping me down. It started with my husband David needing a new cover for his ACH (army helmet). So being the good army wife I was off to clothing and sales. (That’s the place on base where you buy uniforms and related items.) I got the cover and rank sewn on, nope they don’t use velcro on the helmets.  I then ran a few other errands, alone. This was something I had not attempted often since the surgery.

I even managed to cook dinner. I still avoid the stove top, since I don’t want to spill anything hot on my lap.

I will say I have gained a huge new perspective on life in a wheelchair. I am thankful that my stair in the chair is temporary, and I have the option to use crutches. I now have a glimpse into the lives of our wounded warriors. Just reaching items on the shelf at the grocery store can be a real challenge. I will say my arms have grown stronger due to my time in the chair.

All of this rolling around has caused a few plot bunnies to bounce around so I need to get back to pounding keys. Everyone just towers over me for now….

My hat’s off to all of our wounded warriors. You are true heroes.

Posted in Army Wife Thoughts, Thoughts on Wheels, Writing Thoughts and tagged , , .


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