Holidays Apart

I know it’s only September, well almost October. The holidays both Jewish and regular are all around me. The only issue is that my husband is once again in a distant land serving our country. Would I change this?
NO! I love David, I love everything, well almost everything about him. His putting service to our country ahead of himself is part of what I love about him. I know some of you just don’t believe me, but there’s something very special about the men and women who wear the uniform. No, I won’t bore you with everything that makes them so special, but let’s just say they are usually some of the best people you will ever meet.

So what’s a person alone on all of the upcoming holidays to do?Continue reading

My Conversion to Scrivener

I had been writing in word for years. I think most of have used word at some point in our writing lives, even if just for a school paper. I owned not one but two copies of scrivener. I had both the mac and pc versions.  My mac is dedicated to writing. There are no games on it and I don’t want them there. My PC is for fun time or applications that won’t work on mac.

While I supported the product by spending money, in the end it was a piece of software I never used. It was like that scarf your aunt makes for you every year, you don’t know what to do with it, so it ends up on a shelf in the closet.
Oh I’d tried but the mere thought of moving my beloved baby into this new realm scared me. So I decided to start small I built a character database in the program.
Then I never accessed the database since it was in a separate program from my writing.

I continued to muddle through and leave that piece of software on my computer always saying “I’ll start my next project on it.”Continue reading