Fun places to write

What did I just write?

What did I just write?

I’m a writer, as in I have to write to silence the characters in my head that are begging to have their stories told. I really have no choice, I must write.

I admit most of my writing is done in my own personal niche in the garage. Yes, I said in the garage. Don’t worry the weather wont bother me. I have a heater for winter and a fan for summer. I even have a comfy chair for visitors to my lair.

I do occasionally venture out of my lair. Where do I go?Continue reading

Time away from the keyboard

I finally finished my manuscript, all 89,000 words of it. I had the assistance of not one but two professional editors. Yes, I had two editors look at my work. Why? I wanted feedback, lots of feedback.

I wrote those beautiful words “THE END” in the wee hours of the morning. My first instinct was to read the thing from beginning to right then. I read at an alarming rate of speed and could have easily finished it in a few hours time. My primary editor Judy said NO! not just NO, but H**L NO. I was to save it send off the three queries we had been working towards and walk away.Continue reading