Guest post… By Kevin Reeve of On Point Tactical

Given recent events I felt this was information everyone should have.

Kevin Reeve of On Point Tactical has some very impressive credentials. Read more about him at his website. There will be one more guest post by Kevin Reeve tomorrow, I have his permission to repost these blogs as guest posts.


Apr 19 2013

How To Be Safe in Crowds by Kevin Reeve

have been asked several times since the Boston Marathon Bombing about how to manage risk in a large crowd environment.  One answer is simple:  Unless you are absolutely required to be in attendance, AVOID large crowded environments.  Of course when there are times when you have limited choice and must venture into that environment, then use good habits of “situational awareness” and adopt a “bias towards action.”

Large groups of people will always attract a certain amount of risk.  Never underestimate the volatility of people in large groups.  Any significant event, even a “perceived” event, can result in a stampede.  People are injured and die every year during Black Friday Sales events when they become victims of a frenzied mob.  A fire, an explosion, an active shooter can all create a mob mentality that takes on a life of its own.

The KEY to surviving any event in a crowded venue will depend almost entirely on your ability to control personal panic, to assess the situation, and to take immediate action.  If you panic, you drastically increase your odds of injury or death.

Here are a few strategies that will decrease your risk. Concentration is initially involved, but after practice, these habits can become natural and seemingly effortless.

1. Maintain your awareness.  Keep your eyes up, off the smart phone, and scan your environment.  This is can be challenging due to the large volume of people.  But try actively scanning.  Look for “out of baseline” behaviors.  People moving upstream, against the flow, for example, are out of baseline.  People moving faster or slower than the baseline, or whose gestures or furtiveness do not match the event.

I have a friend that works in a department store in theft prevention.  In a glance, he can spot someone about to shoplift.  Their behaviors are out of baseline.  A shoplifter will always stand right next to the shelf before he pockets the item, whereas a normal shopper stands back to be able to see the contents of the shelves.  Out of baseline.

2. Identify specific threats or threatening behavior.   Look for menacing behavior or people who by their looks cause you to feel uncomfortable. Trust your gut.  There may be a valid reason why they make you feel uncomfortable.  If you are in proximity, move away.  As always, look for “orphans:”  bags or packages without owners.  Alert security if you see them, but do not stand next to them waiting for security to arrive.

3. Identify exits.  Whenever I enter a room, or area, one of the first things I do is scan for exits.  Are there emergency exits?  Are they alarmed?  Are they locked?  What about windows?  Can they be opened?  Is there a heavy object like a chair I can throw through the window?

4. Look for exits on the opposite side of the room from the entrance or at right angles to the entrance.  Most people will bypass emergency exits in close proximity to them to go back to the entrance they came in through.  This behavior has led to many deaths in ballroom and concert fires.  People who are panicking seek the familiar.

5. Identify cover.  Cover refers to safety from fire.  A brick wall may stop bullets, but sheetrock walls will not.  Solid furniture may seem solid, but even a two inch thick oak table will not stop a 9mm round.  You must find something substantial if shooting starts.  The engine block and front axle of a car for example may provide enough cover for one person.  The car door, not so much.   Inside a building, there is generally not much cover.  Better to head for the exit.

5.  When an event occurs, grab your family members and head for the exit.  Pick up and carry children.  Have your family members, (spouse, others with you) grab a hold of your belt.  Move assertively towards the PRE-SELECTED exit.   Move with the crowd “downstream” but also in a diagonal direction, until can reach a wall inside, or if outside, the edge of the crowd, where you can better control your movement.  Do not be afraid to damage or destroy the fixtures or the building itself to get out, such as breaking open windows or kicking open doors, or breaking locks   Timidity will not be helpful.  Your primary concern must be your family.  Once they are safe, you can decide whether or not to render aid to others.

6. Carry essential gear.  Essential gear for an outside event:  Water bottle.  First aid kit that includes a tourniquet.  Knife. Multi-tool. Sun glasses that also provide eye protection.  Indoor essential gear, add a small pocket flashlight which will penetrate smoke and haze, ( a cell phone light will not penetrate smoke and haze.)

It is impossible to anticipate every event.  However, most events will precipitate the need to MOVE.  MOVEMENT to SAFETY will generally always be your highest priority.  If the event is localized to your immediate vicinity, then safety generally lies elsewhere. The most important trait here is a BIAS TOWARDS ACTION.   Take action to improve your crowd situation.

Kevin Reeve is the founder of onPoint Tactical, an Urban & Wilderness Survival School, teaching awareness and a full range of advanced survival skills.

Visit at:

Writing in the face of tragedy

This country has suffered not one but two tragic events in the past week. There was the horrific bombing in Boston. Three innocent lives were lost in this act of terrorism, but great kindness was shown with strangers helping strangers. The city will heal. Then just when we started to catch our breath a small town in TX called West suffered from what appears to be a tragic accident. A fertilizer plant had a fire that turned into an explosion. There was another scene of death and destruction rolling on the tv.

In the face of all of this how do you move on?

 I am writing a thriller that includes a number of bombs. I went back through my manuscript to ensure that I had not accidentally written a how to manual. 

My next step was to free write, these words are not yet part of anything, in fact they may never see the light of day, but it felt good to let out the emotions.  As I started writing I didn’t edit or correct anything I just let my emotions and feelings flow freely. Then I got a good meal, took a shower and got back to my novel. 

I am encouraging everyone who has suffered from a tragedy to write, write until you feel the emotions leave or settle to a more normal level. You need not share your words, but allowing the release of these powerful emotions is a good thing.

Powerful emotions are like flowing water they need a place to go, writing gives them a safe outlet.

Tragedy in Boston and how it can change plot lines

First off I want to offer my thoughts and prayers for those who were killed or injured in the terrorist attack on the Boston marathon.

Next comes the army wife, many thanks to the soldiers both National guard and active duty who were there, and immediately jumped into action. Tyler who is a member of the armed forces comforted a woman named Victoria wants to thank you. 

Now the writer in me will take over. How many writers particularly those who write suspense and thrillers ever thought of this. I urge you to write your plot lines with one thing in mind, please don’t make your book a how to manual for an attack. Keep the details of how to build bombs in your research notes, while interesting and informative let’s not hand over that information. If you choose to include details about the bombs in your novels alter the specifics so they are not instructive.

I was thinking of this as I listened to the news yesterday and worked on my novel. I know anyone can google the information but let’s as a community not hand it to them even by accident in a novel. 

My ghost writer, LOL.

My ghost writer, LOL.

Just kidding. I was reading my changes out loud when Diana decided to insert her own plot twists in my manuscript.

A haircut that ended my writers block

I had long hair, it was about halfway down my back. I had been telling my husband I was going to cut it off for months. Well yesterday I decided to actually do it.

I went short real short. Then as I was driving home something happened. My writers block lifted as I arrived at home. If I didn’t know better I’d say the hair was the cause of the writers block, but…. I think it was more the feeling of having done something fun.

My hair now takes 2 minutes to wash versus 10 minutes and there is something fun and freeing about not having to care for long hair.

It’s the same kind of hair style I picture my Kate my main character having, that may indeed have something to do with it. Well enough about my hair for now.

In other news I started a website, I know this is sort of putting the cart before the horse since I don’t have a debut date for my novel but… I took the plunge anyway.

Check it out.