Stuck at a cross roads

I am sitting here doing some writing sessions with a fellow writer. What is a writing session, well we set a time frame and each work on our own projects. My usual writing partner is not even on the same continent as I am but we get a lot done when we work together. Since I am stuck I decided to take a break from the novel and post a few lines from it. Yes these lines are a bit out of context but…. I can’t give the whole story away now can I.

Chapter 1 (this is actually the opening line)

Kate struggles against the duct tape that binds her hands behind her back, and she wonders if three years of serving her country may come to an end right here.

Chapter 2

…. After a wonderful breakfast they walk the hallowed halls of the Vatican until they reach Dominic’s office. Dominic’s office is in an area off limits to tourists…..

Well that’s all for now.

What does the Vatican have to do with this? If that’s your question this is not a take off on any other books, it’s a meeting point, more than that I won’t say.

The 2 biggest questions on my mind are:

Are we out of coffee (that’s a crime in this house)

How do I get rid of my writers block type issue?

Voting done, but chapter 5 is not

Well the voting for military spouse of the year, is closed or will be in a matter of moments. I wont know the results until the 25th. I did not run all over trying to get votes, and while it would be wonderful to win, I was just honored and amazed when my husband nominated me. 

Now chapter 4 has been sent back from Dad, he did it in no time. Well more like one night. He’s so fast it amazes me. He wants the next chapter tomorrow, gasp. I have started on the tweaking of chapter 5 but I have not finished it. I guess I’d better get to work.


Military Spouse of the year.

Well it’s here the voting for Military Spouse of the year. I am a bit nervous and excited. Here is my profile please consider voting for me. I still can’t believe my husband nominated me.


Military Spouse of the year.

Well it’s here the voting for Military Spouse of the year. I am a bit nervous and excited. Here is my profile please consider voting for me. I still can’t believe my husband nominated me.

Chapter 4

Well chapter 4 is done. It’s been sent off to Dad for editing. I had not done a good job describing the setting in chapter 4 so some last minute research was needed. After scouring the web for photos and using a phone a friend, I was able to complete it. 

I then took a break and watched some tv. I watched an older episode of Iron Chef America with hubby and the fur kids.


     Chapter 5 of course is next. After I spend a few hours at the Airborne and Special Operations Museum in the morning. I am grateful for Dad pushing me to get this done and edited.  I could never get this book ready, or even close to publication without his help.